Lakes Illustration Festival
Really glad to be part of the small but skill-full Lakes Illustration Festival this weekend... the event will be in Ulverston, upstairs in the Hoad Park Cafe.
Really glad to be part of the small but skill-full Lakes Illustration Festival this weekend... the event will be in Ulverston, upstairs in the Hoad Park Cafe.
Really looking forward to showcasing my stuff over at the Manchester Print Fair in October. I should have some new unseen works on sale to. Look forward to seeing you there.. Remember, if you have a "Relic" Pin badge, you will be able get 10% off anything you buy from The Cunning Craftsman at the event!
Chris Dorning from The Cunning Craftsman and fellow master draftsman & graffiti artist Gavin Renshaw are really excited and honoured to be doing some live drawing at this years Thought Bubble Comic Con in Leeds. We will have a 17 ft wall to fill with ink drawings and total randomness will no doubt ensue...
Chris Dorning will be attending the Illustrated event on the weekend of the 9th , 10th and 11th of June....ILLUSTRATED 2017 brings together some of the brightest visionaries in contemporary illustration – an opportunity to see some of the biggest names in the business and glimpse beneath the surface to check out some of tomorrow’s most promising talent. Coupled with a vibrant programme of live art, music, seminars & workshops it’s set to be an exciting few days...
Chris from The Cunning Craftsman will be taking over a double stall at The Makers Market on Sunday the 12th, showcasing new and old works. Illustration, Limited edition prints and original art work. Please come on down to the Norther Quarter in Manchester, brave the weather and take a piece of the journey. Thanks
The Cunning Craftsman will be returning to the street scene to flog its wears at last! Please come and visit the stall, wear i will be selling Original Art work and Limited Prints.. Along with the chance to order commissions for art work or Sign's! We wait with baited breath for your arrival!
The Cunning Craftsman will be returning to the street scene to flog its wears at last! Please come and visit the stall, wear i will be selling Original Art work and Limited Prints.. Along with the chance to order commissions for art work or Sign's! We wait with baited breath for your arrival!
The BoB Team have once again been called up North to Preston Ye Olde Post Office to host another trade exhibition showcasing all things "born in the UK"... The Cunning craftsman & wife will be there show casing our creative services, art work and Interiors....
This year The London Surf Film Festival returns to the Big Smoke for a week of surf film entertainment.!!! These events are always a blast and we can't wait to be a part of this one!!!
After the success of our first show at the Best Of Britannia North, we were invited to show case our services and art work at the next event in London this June... busy preparing for that!
We were stoked to exhibit our skills and services at the Best Of Britannia NORTH event early this MAY. Look out for us at the Next BOB event in Shorditch, London